GreenE2 Regulation Node on Net Zero Industry Act

Welcome to GreenE2 Regulation Node Event on Net Zero Industry Act!

🕣 January 18th, 9.00 AM (EET)
📌 Online, Teams

Agenda will be updated closer to the event.

Members of the GreenE2 ecosystem have shown interest in discussing regulation due to recent changes in EU legislation, such as REPowerEU and the Renewable Energy Directive (REDIII).

GreenE2 is an open innovation ecosystem, facilitated by CLIC Innovation, for all companies and organizations interested in developing knowhow and business opportunities related to hydrogen, P2X and CCU, sector integration and system-level efficiency. At the same time, GreenE2 tackles the ambitious target of Finland to become carbon neutral already by 2035. Green electrification is an enabler concept that reforms value chains and provides new business potential to companies and industries.

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