BalticSeaH2 External Advisory Board met for the first time

EAB meeting
BalticSeaH2 held its first hybrid External Advisory Board (EAB) meeting at the beginning of September. This expert group will guide the project on overcoming challenges and seizing opportunities in building a sustainable hydrogen market.

The discussion emphasized the need to establish a hydrogen market by focusing on high-impact end-use applications. Understanding the complexities of value chains—especially in aligning production, logistics, and demand—was highlighted as a key challenge. Supply chain issues, like component availability and permitting, could hinder hydrogen adoption without careful management.

Regulation was seen as essential for accelerating market creation, with the advisory board urging clear mandates for hydrogen use and faster legislative action. Visiting expert Erkki Liikanen, Chair of the IFRS Foundation Trustees, reminded that standardization, particularly in sustainability reporting, is also a vital tool to attract investment and support corporate environmental goals.

Local acceptance emerged as a critical factor for project success. Drawing from Finland’s experience with wind power, the board stressed the importance of early communication and community involvement to secure public support for hydrogen projects.

The EAB meeting provided valuable insights to help BalticSeaH2 address regulatory, supply chain, and social challenges as it builds a resilient hydrogen market in the Baltic Sea region. The EAB plans to meet up around 1-2 times a year.

EAB member Affiliation EAB role
Geerte de Jong Programme manager, HEAVENN; New Energy Coalition Representative of an already existing Hydrogen Valley
Merilyn Möls Estonian Ministry of Climate Energy or Environmental policy officer from Estonia
Timo Ritonummi Deputy Director General, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment (TEM) Energy or Environmental policy officer from Finland
Kuido Kartau Saare Wind Energy Wind energy developer company representative
Reko-Antti Suojanen Former Managing Director, Aker Arctic Technology Oy; Chair of the R&D Working Group, Finnish Marine Industries Maritime sector representative
Juha Ala-Mursula Executive Director, Business Oulu Municipality representative
Mikael Wideskog Co-lead of Finnish H2Cluster Working Group on Education, knowhow and RDI Competence development representative
Dimitris Symeonidis Member of ReGeneration2030; Project scientific expert at CERTH; Policy lead at young leaders in energy & sustainability Europe (YES-Europe) Representative of the young
Jukka Ruusunen Professor, LUT University; Former President & CEO of the Finnish grid company Fingrid Oyj Energy system perspective representative